Monday, December 13, 2010

Thinking Long-Term: Reasons to Care About Your Health

Maybe you eat unhealthy, but it doesn't seem to affect your life at all.  Maybe being a little overweight doesn't bother you so much.  Or maybe nothing looks wrong from the outside.  Maybe you know you have a problem but you don't know if it's worth changing your life for.

It seems so tedious, trying to keep up with your body as the world becomes a more unhealthy places.  Fast food is something maybe we don't think we have a problem with.  But how many times have you been driving somewhere and it's late and you have to be somewhere, so you just grab a bite from a restaurant?  That is unhealthy, and could be avoided with some simple planning.

Sometimes you don't feel like eating because it's not favorable for your mood.  Maybe you're unhappy, and you tend not to enjoy eating when you're unhappy.  Many of us are groggy in the morning and we skip breakfast.  Again, a simple push forward could change the way our lives run.

And most of the time, it's hard to know when to stop eating!  There are so many yummy foods out there, and it all instantly gratifies our tastes.

In today's culture, eating is not only for survival; it is a social bonding.  Maybe you have already eaten dinner, but you want to go out with your friends later, and they have not eaten.  Are you just going to sit there at the restaurant and not order anything?  Most likely not!

Eating out is fun, but should be restricted to a social thing only.  When you have not made your food, you may never fully know what has happened to it from the time before it was cooked to the time it was set on a plate or tray in front of you.

Another thing is water intake.  There are so many of us who do not get enough water, which is essentially depriving our bodies from something as vital as oxygen.

I know so many people who do not get enough sleep.  Sleep is what revives you.  Without it, you start to lose your ability to think properly.  Believe me, I know after many sessions of staying up late, only sleeping 2-3 hours a night for +10 days.  It becomes insane.  You start to see things.  But even only getting 5 hours a night is detrimental for your body.  It makes you age faster.

As for exercising, you should get some physical activity.  Many of us claim we do not have the time or motivation to strain our bodies.  But who ever said we had to have time to be active or have to break out in a sweat to get a healthy amount of activity during the day?

Eating healthy, drinking water, sleeping, and exercising all make a person fit for their own lives.  When we deprive our bodies of these things, we often don't understand the quality of life we are losing because we do not even know what it would be like.  There are so many products and endorsements telling us shortcuts to being fit.  But it isn't something you can just achieve; it's a change of lifestyle.



1.) If you do not take care of yourself now, what makes you think you will take care of yourself later in life?  Do you not have enough to live for?  Why would you let your future be possibly hindered by health problems such as type two diabetes, obesity, heart issues, over stress and anxiety, wrinkles in an early age, loss of energy, breathing problems, cancer, stomach ulcers, or dental problems?  What will you do about your kids? They could learn your habits, or maybe you won't have enough energy to play with them.  Maybe you will develop a health problem and therefore affect all the people who care about you as well as yourself.  Main point number one is: THE BEST WAY TO AVOID A PROBLEM IS TO PREVENT IT.  Wouldn't you try to prevent a bad event from occurring if you knew ahead of time that it could possible affect people you love in a negative way?

2.) It is not that hard to eat healthy.  It's all about portion size: just don't eat too much of one thing!  Eat a little bit of everything.  And when you have a choice between a cake and a fruit, 75% of the time choose the fruit, and 25% of the time, choose the cake.  Cake is good for the SOUL. :)

As for eating out, simply packing a fruit or sandwich for lunch would solve the fastfood craving.

3.)  When you feel that you are not in the mood for eating, do not eat until you feel like you can eat a healthy meal that your body will be able to take.  If you begin to feel weak, but you are still not hungry, forcing some yogurt in won't kill you.  I know that sometimes it is very hard to eat when you are upset.  For breakfast skippers, try to eat something very small and gradually build it up to a normal sized healthy breakfast.  But if all else fails, at least eat SOMETHING.

4.) How to know when to stop eating: When you feel full!!!  Before eating a meal, drink a whole glass of water.  That should help indicate when you are actually full.  And when you go out with friends and you feel pressured to order food, try ordering just a glass of water with lemon.  It's free and can be filling.  If your friends insist that you order food, order a small appetizer.

5.) My classmate once told me a story about how the food from a restaurant was unclean.  They found a dead mouse in the deep fryer.  A DEAD MOUSE???? Seriously?  One more reason for me to eat homemade food.

6.)  I know I always stress getting enough water throughout the day, but it is really important.  Even taking sips of water out of a water bottle will greatly improve your health.

7.) Sleep >>>POST<<<  And that's all I have to say.

8.)  Being active does not mean running a marathon everyday.  It simply means walking when you can, making sure you have some sort of physical activity during the day, and slowly improving the amount of activity you do during the day.  Here is part of the plan for a healthy life that includes physical activity.

Just remember: what you are doing to yourself now will definitely affect you later in life.  It may not seem like it while you are young and healthy, but it will certainly bring consequences if you are drinking soda at every meal.

And, of course, I'm going to say that Unicity can help you live better. ^^ 

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