Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Being Cold and Being a Preferred Customer (mixed post)

Being Cold
Lately, the season here in the Northeast United States has turned extremely cold.  The wind pierces through your skin like needles and the air penetrates your bare skin on your face.  UGH! It's just amazing how fast it got so cold!

Did you know...

65% of your body heat is lost through the air by radiation
15% of your body heat is lost through the air through conduction
75% of your body heat is lost through your head

And this winter, be sure to cover...
Your head, neck, feet, hands.

In elementary school, we were taught to breath through our noses in the cold, because when you breath through your mouth, the air is not warmed, so you could possibly freeze your lungs.

ALSO please remember to waterproof your shoes!!! They will get ruined in the weather, believe me.

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