Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Going to Thailand and Getting off Sound Machines

Waaah, so, I'm going to Thailand on January 18, 2011!!  To visit mahal ko!  (Mahal ko= my love)
The costs are going to be tight, but I think I can manage it before I leave.
I'll be regularly blogging my trip.
I'm a little worried about my visa, tho'....I sent my passport to NYC a few days ago...I'm just waiting for it to come back.

I also realized that although I'm with a Thai, I don't know much about Thailand.  I can say "I can't speak Thai," I like the food, I'm in love with Thai tea, and I know a limited amount about the political situation, but other than that, I really need to learn a lot before I go.  I have 33 days before I go.  I think I need a list of must-have phrases....

Also, Unicity has a great presence in Thailand: almost everyone knows what it is.  They have a wide range of products there, including ones that we in the USA do not have, such as Green Tea Oil (amazing stuff!!!!), and Reviv (Mahal ko hates the taste...I think it tastes like prune juice!).  Actually, my upline is Thai.  I've been compiling an interview with him as well.

On the bright side, I have finished all of my finals!   On the bad side, I am getting acne on my left cheek (WHY?!)

I will also start working out again. Yey

But one of the (many) issues that I have to deal with before I leave is trying to get off of my sound machine.  For those of you who don't know what a sound machine is, it is a device that creates artificial sound to soothe you as you are trying to fall asleep.  I hate sleeping in silence!  Everyone in my family uses a sound machine because my parents used it for me and my siblings when were were young kids, and we just never got rid of them.

But then when I would be over at Mahal ko's, he would not be able to sleep with it on because he sleeps in silence.  I soon came up with the brilliant plan of putting a sound machine recording onto my ipod!  But I got tangled in the headphones, so Mahal ko told me that when I come to Thailand, he better not see any sound machine in sight.

LOL it looks like a space ship!

This is the plan:  every night, I will lower the sound until I cannot hear it.

Although, I'm not sure if I can do it.

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