Friday, December 17, 2010

How to Diet without choices that suck AND a DIY Beauty: Chlorophyll mask????

I got my new issue of Allure, the make up and skin magazine today, and I found some interesting tips about how to make diets actually work.  It was found on page 54:

First Point: “Clear you kitchen of packaged snacks.”
Allure has a point.  If you can easily just open the snack and eat it, there is no effort in obtaining the food, so you can eat easily when you are bored.  But if you have to prepare the food yourself, you might think of the time it takes to make and have to decide if you are actually hungry.

Second Point: “Don’t drink calories.”
Like I’ve said many times, sugary drinks really cause people to gain weight.  Being addicted to Pepsi is not going to allow room for weight loss even when you are going to the gym all the time.  Plus, sugary drinks cause tooth decay.

Third Point: “Stick to one high-calorie item per meal.”
I think this will work very well.  You have one high-calorie food, and the rest are low-calorie, healthy foods.

Fourth Point: “Pick up sticks.”
This point seemed strange to me because I’m Asian.  Now, I’m mostly Filipino, and in Southeast Asia, we use spoons and forks, but we occasionally use chopsticks, so saying that chopsticks will slow you down when you’re eating doesn’t make much sense to me.  I thought chopsticks were invented to make eating faster… However, if you are not acquainted with chopsticks, it is a great idea to take up the challenge and eat with them because it will make eating a little more difficult.

Fifth Point: “Deglamorize food.”
This is something that culture has told us to embrace: making food something pleasurable.  Not to say that we shouldn’t do it, but if we do it all the time, then we will eat more because it’s a fun activity rather than survival for energy.

Sixth Point: “Take time to decide.”
What they mean by this one is think about what your choices are.  If you are offered something fatty that you can get easily, pass.  If it is one of those once-on-a-full-moon treats, take it!

Seventh Point: “Don’t beat yourself up.”
This is a classic.  Everyone knows they shouldn’t beat themselves up, but we all do it.  (Like when I ate all those Cheetos at 10PM…)  If you mess up, start again from that point on.  Never give up!

And part of controlling your diet is being able to have a set lifestyle.  With randomness, you never know when you’re going to get a full nutritious meal.  That’s why Bios Life Slim helps control your body’s cravings and schedule.

And on another note....

I tried using SuperChlorophyll as a mask.

I know that sounds crazy, but there is a story behind this.

Mahal ko was mixing SuperChlorophyll into his water one day, and he spilled some into his wound.  And the next day, the wound was gone!  So I decided to try it for acne.  This is really gross, but I poked a hole with a needle in an acne and I put the SuperChlorophyll onto the open wound.  It dried up the next day and faded by the end of the day!  After that, I wanted to see what it would be like as a facial mask.

I have a cup of a little water and a bowl.

Ewwww my unmakeuped face and SuperChlorophyll. 

Pour the water into the bowl.

Take about half a teaspoon of SuperChlorophyll.

...put it in...

Ew, it's really dark green!  Mix it around evenly.

And put it on!  It shows up very light here, but actually it's a medium green.  I was scared it would dye my skin green permenantly, so I washed it off after 3 minutes.  I think if I would have gone any longer, it would have been hard to remove, so I would say use it for no longer than 3 minutes!

Believe it or not, my skin felt very nice afterwards!


Ok, I'm not so sure about the mask, but it was worth a try!

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