Thursday, November 4, 2010

Toxins and Parasites

Do you have trouble losing weight?

Do you have low energy levels?

Do you want to reshape your body, but cannot?

Do you have acne that won’t go away no matter how good your skin routine is?

The problem may be inside of you: toxins.  You could be carrying pounds of toxins built up in your body which will block nutrients from properly helping your body.  Remember, you are what you eat.

It can affect how you digest and absorb.  You body will not be using the food you consume in an efficient way.

For these, Nature’s Tea and Paraway Plus are good.  I’ve done a >>>POST<<< about Nature’s Tea already.

Paraway Plus is an all-natural herbal blend that eliminates parasites within your body and promotes a healthy digestive system with probiotics (healthy bacteria that your body needs).

"What is a parasite? 
• A parasite is any organism that lives in, with, or off another organism.
• Humans can play "host" to over 100 kinds of parasites.
• Parasites can be transmitted by air and in water.
• Parasites can infect virtually every part of the human body.
• The World Health Organization estimates that one quarter of the world's population suffers from chronic intestinal parasite infections.
Classic symptoms of parasite infections include: allergies, anemia, bloating, chronic fatigue, constipation, depressed immune function, diarrhea, eczema, enlarged lymph glands, excessive hunger, fever, flu symptoms, gas, grinding the teeth at night, hives, irritable bowel syndrome, irritability, jaundice, joint and muscle aches or pains, nervousness, rashes, reddened eyes, sleep disturbances, weight gain, and weight loss. Humans frequently pick up parasites from their dogs and cats. If you make the effort to cleanse your own system, but fail to simultaneously address that of your dog or cat, you are setting yourself up for possible re-infestation. It is always a prudent idea to put your pets on a parasite cleanse along with you. "

As far as acne goes...
Lindy, otherwise known as the Youtube Guru, Bubzbeauty, has done a video on this:


Basically, your face is split into sections, and certain parts of your face have acne due to other problems in your body.

Forehead: digestive, water in take 

Between eyebrows: liver 

Upper cheeks: lungs 

Lower cheeks: gums, teeth

Nose: heart, high blood pressure 

Ears: kidneys, water in take, caffeine 

Sides of chin: hormone imbalance, sleep deprivation

Center of chin: digestive 

Chest: stress 

Dark circles: iron deficiency 

Toxins can cause so many problems, and they can be easily flushed and prevented.

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