Saturday, January 29, 2011

Unipower Thailand Seminar

Today, my fiance and I attended the Unipower seminar in Chiang Mai Grandview Hotel.  It was only 200 baht (about 7 dollars) to see the Unicity Diamonds of Thailand.

When we arrived, there, we realized that we were very much underdressed.  Most of the men were wearing suits and ties and the girls dresses.  We were wearing common street clothes (but in defense, we didn't plan on it).  Some of the girls were carrying designer purses and wearing brand-name shoes.

Rasa (Triple Diamond), Dr. Tarn (Double Diamond), Christopher Kim (Executive Vice President), and more Diamonds and high-up people were there to speak.

There were also stories about others who were healed or had success with Unicity. All of them were from different backgrounds growing up.  I was surprised when Dr. Tarn told the crowd that his family was a farming family and he asked the crowd for a show of hands "who is from a farming family?" and about half of the people, so sophistically dressed, raised their hands.

A computer programmer who worked so hard at his job that he developed a tumor in his brain.  When he was introduced to Unicity, he was able to be cured of the tumor and have great financial success.

Most of the seminar was in Thai, so my fiance had to be my personal translator, but Mr. Kim spoke in English.  He said that people who have dreams won't have opportunity.  Only when you are building your dreams do you realize the height that you can climb within your life.

Motivation was the key to this seminar, and some of it was nice cars, nice clothes, financial freedom.  But the part that struck me is when they mentioned the happiness of their parents, the health of their families.  One man's inspiration was simply to spend more time with the one he loved because "you never know when your time is up."

My dad makes a decent salary.  My family lives pretty well.  We're lower middle class.  But it kills my dad inside to know that it could be better.  He has to tell his kids "no" for things.  And his health is quickly deteriorating.  His legs and back always hurt, and he can't sleep at night.  Worry plagues his silent moments, and fills his happy moments with pain.

I have much more motivation, but it is too personal to share yet.

This company is different in that you cannot do it alone.  You need a team.  You need to help others succeed in order to get results.  It is a selfless cause.  All that is spread is good health and the passive income.

Maybe I don't care for wearing nice clothes and driving a Lamborghini.  But I do want to see the people I love smile.  If I can have that, then I will be happy.  Make life better.

*On a side note, I'm trying to work on a ClearStart post to instruct how to do a colon cleanse the correct way, because so many people have misconceptions and wrong methods for doing it.
**Sorry no pics...because my camera sucks with dark lighting

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Future and How to Care About Yourself by Caring About Others

He's tried too many times to make me think positive.  It's so easy, yet so difficult.  Although on this blog I want to motivate people to change their thinking and care about their bodies, for myself I must admit that it's a difficult task, taking care of yourself.  Things just kept getting worse, so I went down with them.  I flow like water, and when things don't go my way, I go along with them, whining and complaining, never doing anything about it.  It's almost as if I don't care about myself enough to change anything.  I just let it happen.  I wish, but I never act.  I fall and flow away like the tides of the sea.
Buddhists believe that anything you put your mind to, you can change.  You can always change your perspective.  Especially in American pressure culture and stressed minded population, it's hard to apply these to life.  How can you ever be sure if things will be ok in the end?  How do you know you're not being treated well enough by the people around you?
In reality, if you think about it, this way of thinking is so selfish.  Why does the media always talk about our rights and our wants?  Because they are feeding into the selfish desires that people have naturally.  Even in Christianity, you're supposed to fight this.  Todays' world is promoting to just giving in.  It's ok if you are angry at people you don't know, because you're in a bad mood so they should deal with it. It's alright if you smoke and ruin your lungs, because it makes you feel better when you smoke.  It doesn't matter if the people you love are concerned.
Basically, I think I need to learn how to be more caring to others.  By letting go of my problems and thinking about other's problems, my own are solved.  It's the way it was intended.  In order to care about others, you must automatically care about yourself.  Never neglect your health.  Don't take things from only one perspective.  Even when your world becomes distorted, don't give up.  Even if you get burned in the end, at least you know that you gave it your all.
Believe me, I know it is so hard to stay positive!  How pressuring it is when your parents are counting on you to do well in life.  How anxious it becomes when society has expectations of the way you should be.  How it feels to let people you care about down.  How painful it is to cry every night before you sleep.  How lonely the world can be.  How sometimes the only good moments of life seem like a dream when you think back on them.
But you were made to become your own purpose in this life.  You were only given this life because you are strong enough to live it...don't give up on what you believe is your path.  you must become the right person.
Even when it gets rough, don't let it tear you down.  Never show your fear to life.  Let it become your strength!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Biotin Verdict

As you may know, I've been taking a pure biotin supplement (from GNC, about 2500 mcg), for about a month now, hoping my hair would grow faster.

My hair normally grows extremely slow.

And while it has grown...

(about an inch from the time I began using it)

...all I can say is that the only thing that is noticeably different about my hair...

... is that it is much thicker than last month.

Biotin= hair thickening, just as fish oil= shiny,stronger hair

Therfore, if you would like healthy thick hair, take OmegaLife-3 and a biotin supplement (you can get one at GNC or Vitamin World for about $15).


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Circle Lenses + Merry Christmas!

Circle lenses are contact lenses that can be either have a prescription or no prescription and the main purpose is to make the color part of the eye bigger.  When the color part of your eye is bigger, you can open it wider without looking like you're surprised, and it creates a dolly look.

Although circle lenses have been classified in the United States as dangerous, in Asia, they are widely accepted.  That being said, there are certain guidelines I would recommend for buying and wearing circle lenses for safety reasons.  This includes only buying Korean brand Geo, and not wearing the lenses for more than 8 hours a day.  Really, all you have to do is take care of your eyes as you would when you are wearing normal contacts.  But I do reccommend only buying Geo lenses or a highly rated company, because there are fake companies out there that will sell you either fake lenses that can damage your eyes, or they will just try to take your money.

Some of the pluses to using circle lenses include:
 +only about $40 for a pair that will last one year (although toric* lenses will cost a bit more)
 +you can change the color of your eye
+you can enhance your eyes without using makeup
 +you can make your eyes appear bigger
*toric lenses are for people who have an astigmatism

One thing I stick to is Geo Lenses, a Korean brand of circle lenses.

I used to order Geo Lenses from

Now I only order from

Both are good sites, I just like Lenscircle because they give you free stuff with your order (like cute notebooks, contact cases and little bags!)

To compare with the following pictures, here is me without circle lenses:

So far, I have had Magic Black.  I know I look like I'm about 5 years old...

Angel Brown.   This is back in May of 2009, so my hair is really short.

Angel Green

Nudy Gray
(Yes...this is an excuse to show us off....haha)

....and today for Christmas, I received Nudy Brown!!!

I love them!  They look really natural and they have a glow that makes my eyes look like they're shining.  I think I like the Nudy series the best.  It's the most natural but mysterious-looking lenses.  

Each pair of lenses comes with a cute bag when you order from

They also give you these instructions on how to make them last and feel comfortable.

As long as you take care of your eyes, circle lenses are fine to wear everyday.

On a side note, Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bios life Slim Challenge!

Do you want to lose weight?

Take the Bios Life Slim Challenge...first month for free!

▶ ▷WATCH◀ ◁

Usually, how Unicity gets success for weight loss stories is by having people do the Get Slim Challenge.

But today, you can start the first month for free (paid by me)! OR you can try Bios Life Slim for a month (paid by me), and if you like it, you can enter the challenge and have a better chance at winning.  The contest is judged by amount of weight and inches lost, body transformation and inspiring story.

Here are my rules:
~In order to join the challenge, a participant must be 18 years of age or older, no exceptions, and must be a resident of the United States.~
1. Participants must drink Bios Life Slim® at least twice a day; any additional Unicity products may also be utilized.
2. Participants must provide a valid e-mail address and phone number for contact.
3. Participants must provide two before pictures—a front view and side view picture.
4. Participants must stay in contact with me so we can be updated on how it is working and so I can be of any assistance.
5. During the process, I must be allowed to publish the story here on the internet.

Here are the actual contest rules (some are the same as above):

In order to join the challenge, a participant must be 18 years of age or older, no exceptions. 
1. Participants must drink Bios Life Slim® at least twice a day; any additional Unicity products may also be utilized.
2. Participants must provide a valid e-mail address and phone number for contact.
3. Participants must provide two before pictures—a front view and side view picture. Participants must read and verify that they have read the Get Slim Challenge photo guidelines. If a participant’s photographs do not meet our guidelines, they will be notified and required to re-submit new before pictures. If Unicity doesn’t receive new pictures within a week from request, contestant may be disqualified.
4. Every 30 days a contestant is required to provide his/her weight and measurements via e-mail to A courtesy e-mail reminder will be sent to the contestant. If the contestant doesn’t respond within a week of the reminder, participants may be disqualified. We value participants that are committed to the challenge and reply in a timely manner.
5. The contestant will have 90 days and/or 180 days from the date they begin the Get Slim Challenge to record their transformation. At the end of their contest time period, the contestant will be required to submit their final weight, measurements, testimonial and after pictures. A courtesy e-mail reminder will also be sent to them. If they don’t submit all of the above within a week of the reminder, they might not be considered as a finalist. At that time, the contestant must specify if they wish to continue for the 180-day challenge. We may schedule a phone interview to know more about the contestant’s weight loss success with Bios Life Slim.

More information about the contest can be found in this guide.

If you are interested, please contact me at

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Music: The Cure

“Music is often characterized as the language of emotions.”
-Elsevier Science

Music is not just entertainment; it takes you through life.  It controls your mood, it captures the moment, it is a science and an art, creates a foundation for memories, aids people, conveys thoughts and feelings that cannot be described through spoken words, and paints pictures better than writing.  And sometimes when you’re alone and life is pulling you into despair, music is the only thing that pushes you to live.

“People perceive and respond to music in different ways. The level of musicianship of the performer and the listener as well as the manner in which a piece is performed affects the "experience" of music. An experienced and accomplished musician might hear and feel a piece of music in a totally different way than a non-musician or beginner. This is why two accounts of the same piece of music can contradict themselves.”
-Laurence O’Donnell (Scottish Musician)

Some songs connect you to a different time.  They let you drown in forgotten feelings and indulge in lost memories.  They surround you with the atmosphere of the memory that it kidnaps you and feeds you old emotions to renew in your mind.  More powerful than sight, it paints motions, words, thoughts, laughter, crying, and the deepest of emotions back on your scarred canvas.  Many times it’s not even the lyrics that connect to your soul.  It’s the feeling of the combinations of notes that flow in patterns that grab your heart.  Certain songs can chill you to the bone, make you elated, feel security, or even feel the pain of someone else. When the words match the emotions you feel from that song, it’s called a masterpiece.

“In one experiment, patients who had just been informed of their need for imminent surgery, were tested for blood cortisol concentrations after listening to a calming piece of music, chosen by each patient in consultation with a music therapist; cortisol levels were reduced by 50% compared with the control group that did not listen to any music.” (Cortisol is a stress hormone)
-Roger W. Wicke, Ph.D.

Other songs will take you away, to a place deep in your conscious.  Somewhere far in your mind where skies are bluer and the breeze caresses our skin.  Sad songs can greatly bring our moods down, cheerful songs can pull them up.  But there are also those bittersweet songs that seem happy on the surface, but carry a certain element of loneliness in the notes.

“Music is known to be food to the soul. Many studies have investigated the effects of music on attention needed for studying. A great deal of studies conducted was to investigate the effects of music, most specifically the Mozart Piece, on the enhancement of intelligence. Music produce soothing effects on the mind, it increases focus when studying or produces a great deal of concentration required for a task. Music is utilized to block out external noise and create a background noise beneficial for the task.“
-Nana Y. Jukwakyi Agovi 
Cardinal Stritch University

It’s crazy how certain sounds that are queued into parts of the songs make such a difference in how the feeling is portrayed.  To every individual, the feeling is different, yet songs bring us all together.  Songs can invoke inspiration, bring someone over the edge to die, convince someone to feel a certain way, and make a memory that would have otherwise been lost linger for years.  Music is so powerful because it holds the emotions of our hearts.

Music is used in media, entertainment and advertising because it sticks in our heads and our hearts.  For example, are you more likely to remember what someone told you if it were a lecture or a catchy song that they sung?

I want to thank all types of musicians in the world for the gift they give us everyday.  Their hard work, emotion and talent is what keeps us from going insane.
